Covenant House

Covenant House has been helping homeless, runaway, and trafficked young people for nearly five decades. And for most of that time, their communications have followed the same formula: direct mail with strong religious undertones, telling stories of suffering youth in need. We partnered with Covenant House to build a brand that better reflects all that they are and offer today––and all that they could be in the future.

We built a brand that is a gathering place for the many different voices within Covenant House: those of the young people who turn to us, the staff that support our mission, the donor community that powers us, and so many more. It centers around the commitment that is at the heart of all that we do. And it emphasizes the importance of sharing that commitment with others to inspire more.

Augustus Cook / Brian Meyers / Christina Hemsworth / Pia Vivo / Brittany Messanger / Henry Cook / Julianna Eposito / Alexandra Vu / Amy Diamond / Elaine Li